Grammar Jesus

Grammar Jesus

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grammar Jesus Drives Me

This is the car that inspired me to create a blog about one of my favorite subjects: grammar. I'd like to believe that Jesus would be a huge fan of the grammar too. Thus, I have coined him Grammar Jesus. The grammar gods will be so proud.

I Drive my Car but Jesus Drive's my Life and who's driving you? 

Grammar Jesus says:

One should know how to use a possessive apostrophe, especially when you plaster my name on your rear window.  Also, is this the title of your latest book or do you just need a lesson in the mechanics of capitalization? I'm gonna hightail you to the nearest bookstore to for a copy of The Elements of Style, fourth edition. Better start reading that Strunk and White, son.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I really don't know when it happened that people decided to make plurality more complicated by (TOTALLY INCORRECTLY) adding an apostrohpe, but I feel like it is running rampant. I judge, like you, but just to play the devil's advocate, you might find this article interesting:
